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New and Enhanced Features When Upgrading

from Version 9 to 12

Miscellaneous  Personnel  Online-Registration  Schedules  Uniforms  Finance  Sponsors


  • Windows 8 compatibility
  • Easier updating
  • All forms can be made larger
  • New Calendar Picker for all date fields
  • Improved backup to USB flash drive 
  • Improved Email Blasting through SMTP server
  • Backup to USB flash drive reminds you to insert the stick
  • Windows 7 and Vista 64 compatibility for Backup and Restore
  • New Report Writer compatible with Windows 7 and Vista 64
  • Changed all LHA compression to standard zip compression
  • Improved age calculation
  • Improved search by registration number
  • Tournament module can print all brackets to separate PDF files
  • Renew FREE technical support
  • Link to Frequently Asked Questions on internet, allowing easy update
  • Supports themes
  • Individual login name and password, with controlled access to each section
  • Saved files default to My Documents Folder
  • Opens saved files after creating them
  • Export files to XML
  • Dot prompt lets you edit and save commands
  • All reports output to printer, screen, PDF file, HTML file, text file
  • Allow modification of registration forms, roster, id cards, division schedule, team schedule
  • Renew FREE technical support


  • No longer need to look up names in the Inactive File –just add the name as new and League Organizer can locate the name and transfer it for you
  • Family button opens all siblings and parents sharing the same household number
  • Supports new Little League age calculation and Senior Challenger division
  • Latest Little League Volunteer Form
  • New Draft Form
  • Parent email addresses added to Manager’s Roster
  • Uploads checked for valid email addresses
  • Enhanced End of Playing Year Checklist – erase schedule
  • Mailing List file includes age selection
  • Enhanced Create Schedule File for Outlook and Gmail Calendars – choice of long or short team names, choice to include divisions, one file or separate files
  • Enhanced transfer from Active to Inactive files – option to transfer unassigned players and option to move by registration date
  • Enhanced transfer from Inactive to Active files – checkbox to erase receipt of physical, waiver and concussion forms
  • Improved Dixie and Dizzy Dean rosters
  • Ability Report and Draft Roster include weight for football and height for basketball
  • List of new players
  • Directory of league officers
  • Combined Emails in editions with multiple sports
  • Combined reports (Super Scheduler)
  • Team mailing labels (Super Scheduler)
  • Create Contact File for Outlook and Gmail includes birthdate, gender, and grade
  • Option to automatically copy the Amount of Dues to the Amount Paid when manually entering dues payments
  • Check uploads for valid email addresses
  • 2013 Little League Volunteer Form
  • New draft form
  • Erase custom comments when using Online Registration Module
  • Erase special player requests when using Online Registration Module
  • Erase parent volunteer requests when using Online Registration Module
  • Improved End of Season Checklist
  • Combined email for Sports, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, and Football Editions
  • List of new players
  • Directory of league officers
  • Team mailing labels (Super Scheduler)
  • Combined reports for Sports, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, and Football
  • Email blasting by age
  • Email blasting by grade
  • Export contacts to Outlook and Gmail added birthdate, gender, and grade
  • Weight added to Football ability report
  • Height added to Basketball ability report
  • When activating players, new check box to erases receipt of physica, waiver, and concussion forms
  • Check uploads for valid email addresses
  • 2013 Little League Volunteer Form
  • New draft form
  • Erase custom comments when using Online Registration Module
  • Erase special player requests when using Online Registration Module
  • Erase parent volunteer requests when using Online Registration Module
  • Improved End of Season Checklist
  • Combined email for Sports, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, and Football Editions
  • List of new players
  • Directory of league officers
  • Team mailing labels (Super Scheduler)
  • Combined reports for Sports, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, and Football
  • Email blasting by age
  • Email blasting by grade
  • Export contacts to Outlook and Gmail added birthdate, gender, and grade
  • Weight added to Football ability report
  • Height added to Basketball ability report
  • When activating players, new check box to erases receipt of physica, waiver, and concussion forms
  • Open everyone in a household by clicking a single button
  • Click on player’s parent volunteer page to open that parent's volunteer screen (active and inactive)
  • Registration forms may be printed or saved as individual PDF files or html files so they can be distributed by email
  • Default area codes for doctors, dentists, and emergency contacts
  • Birthdays can be saved in Outlook and printed as a list of birthdays for the month
  • Mailing labels for those having birthdays during a given month
  • Create Babe Ruth player and coach registration files to upload
  • The Little League Age Table increased to age 18
  • Modified background check file for ChoicePoint
  • Missing information report searches for missing physical exams and waivers
  • Increased length of the category field for online registration from 20 to 50
  • North Texas reconciliation reports can print as PDF files so they can be emailed
  • Editions with multiple sports can copy data from one sport to another (Baseball/Softball, Football, Basketball, and Sports Editions, Super Scheduler, and Assignor’s Assistant)
  • Copy an individual player, coach, umpire/referee, and volunteer to another sport and/or season in the active or inactive file
  • Canadian Soccer Association affiliations
  • Ten year history of player team assignments
  • Assign tryout numbers by gender, level, and division
  • Scan waivers into the player form
  • Added email address to many reports, including list of players by age
  • New roster for coaches which includes more contact information (email, phone numbers)
  • Updated the Tennessee registration file
  • Added Create League One Import File for soccer associations using League One
  • Added Erase Official availability for those using the assigning module
  • Create contact file for Gmail
  • Team dues report
  • Change area codes globally
  • Change zip codes globally
  • Team labels for active personnel repeat name if on multiple teams
  • Increase registration number to 15 characters
  • New season active/inactive list activation now has choice to see all personnel at once
  • New season active/inactive list activation assign to new team
  • Maintain multiple seasons with new season menu
  • Email blasting to players, coaches, volunteers, officials, parents
  • List of household members
  • Summary report after creating mailing list file
  • Cell phone entry on  single page player form
  • File export for trading cards
  • File to visually identify player addresses using Microsoft Streets and Trips
  • Boundary report
  • Import names from other sports (Sports Ed., Super Scheduler, Assignor's Assistant)
  • Print button on volunteer forms prints Little League Volunteer form(LL Edition)
  • Track previous division
  • Tryout label with the name and tryout number
  • Blind tryout forms which print tryout numbers instead of names
  • Option to add birthdates to tryout forms
  • Option to print the comments on tryout forms
  • Search players by phone number, mother's name or father's name
  • Option to clear birth certificate verification when making names active
  • Referee Codes report includes ability rating and preferred division
  • Added referee grade and umpire/referee ratings to Umpire/Referee list
  • Added weight on football rosters and height on basketball rosters
  • Added email address to Personnel Lists
  • Added parents' email addresses to Medical Roster
  • Lengthened parents names
  • Upgrade data from a network drive
  • Volunteer report includes street2, email address, and parent cell phone
  • All personnel lists include street2
  • Single line list in gender order
  • List managers, coaches and assistants separately
  • Concussion Form check box
  • Missing report includes missing concussion form and no player or parent email

Online Registration Module

  • Draft Roster includes custom questions and volunteer requests
  • Enhanced End of Playing Year Checklist – erase custom comments and requests
  • Erase Custom Comments and Requests
  • Erase Parent Volunteer Requests
  • New optional module allows import of online registrations from any company which can create a single CSV file of names


  • Automatically reschedule cancelled games
  • List of Game Changes
  • Email game changes to coaches, players, and umpires
  • Email game reminders to coaches, players, and umpires
  • Game location added to calendar schedules
  • Game Count automatically shown after schedule is generated
  • Erase games by date
  • Add scores by field
  • Enter and search by secondary game number (Assignor’s Module)
  • Choice to replace game number with assigned game number in scheduling reports (Assignor’s Module)
  • List of Double Headers
  • Print Scheduling Setup for each division
  • Field Conflict report condensed to fewer pages
  • Option to print League Schedule in order of game number or date, time, and field
  • Option to print Field Schedule in order of field and time, field and game number, or date, field, and game number
  • Schedules printed in a calendar format
  • Generate practice schedules
  • Schedules and scores can be printed as separate PDF files for each team, division, and field for distribution by email
  • Edit schedule in grid format
  • Increment game dates by one year
  • Duplicate schedules skip dates
  • Include practice games on calendar and division schedule
  • Enhanced scheduling files added long team and file names, team numbers, game number
  • Game cards for umpires/referees include team colors
  • Create schedule file for Google Calendar
  • Create schedule file for Outlook Calendar
  • Export schedule to Excel for modification, then import changes and check for conflicts
  • Optional, fully integrated Tournament Module schedules end-of-season tournaments and special tournaments, double elimination and single elimination tournaments and pool play
  • Standings resolve ties using head-to-head, goal differential, and points for and against
  • Optional message printed on bottom of all schedules, including web schedules
  • Create schedule file to upload to Eteamz
  • List games suspended or postponed
  • Referee/Umpire web schedule
  • Division schedules to show umpires
  • Identify and list suspended or postponed games
  • Added 'goals for' and 'goal against' in hockey and football standings
  • Referee/Umpire schedule listing partners
  • Unsatisfied scheduling requests includes game numbers


  • Single and Double Elimination Tournament Scheduler added to League Organizer


  • Option to omit phone numbers and email addresses from the List of Uniform
  • Requirements so list can be sent to a store
  • Create a list of sizes used by your league
  • Excel file of uniform requirements
  • Added uniform purchase order, cost, check number, source, and condition


  • Added equipment purchase order number


  • Assignor’s Assistant and Super Scheduler – report of earnings by venue


  • Erase team names in the sponsor files
  • Add division and team names to 5 year history of sponsor pledges
  • Sponsor Invoice with custom message
  • Sponsor list includes street2, fax and email address

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