Division & Team Names

A team is identified by the division and short team name combination. That way the same team name can be used by teams in more than one division.
The team code is used to access the division and team combination.
Division Names
In League Organizer, a division is the group of teams which play each other in the schedule.
1. Create a new division by selecting Personnel > Divisions > Division Names. You can also click on the Division icon on the tool bar. Enter the name of the division.
2. Enter the characteristics of the division (Level, Game, U-, Gender - depending on your sport). This will let you print schedules, etc. for every team in a particular age group, gender, etc.
3. If you want League Organizer to warn you when you assign a player to this division who is too young or too old, enter the minimum and maximum ages. You can also enter the maximum number of players for teams in this division. You can always ignore these warnings.
Naming Teams
4. Enter team names by selecting Personnel > Team Names > Team Names. You can also click on the Team icon on the tool bar.
5. Enter a unique team code, the division, and a short team name. Because a team is identified by the combination of division and team name (NOT team code), you can have several divisions using the same team name.
6. Optionally enter a Full Name for the team. This is the name which will appear on rosters and schedules. It typically includes a sponsor name. If you omit it, the short team name on the line above will appear on the reports.
7. If you are scheduling traveling games or using the super scheduler, enter at least one home field/court for each team.
8. If you are using League Organizer to order uniforms or tee shirts, enter the team colors. Version 11.00.09 now lets you enter colors for shirts/jerseys, pants/shorts, socks, and hats. You will also need to enter each player's sizes. Select Uniforms > Uniform Lists > Requirements to print the list of requirements.
You can view the team's coaches and players from the team form but you cannot enter nor edit the list.